Jesus Christ is the only option. He is the way, the light and the truth (Jn 14:6). He did the impossible.

He  broke the law of Biology; He was born of a virgin (Lk 1:34-35).

He broke the law of Physics; He walked on the sea (Jn 6:19).

He broke the law of Chemistry; He turned water into wine. (Jn 2:9).

He broke the law of Economics; He fed Over 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish (Jn6:1-14).

He broke the law of Nature; He rose from the dead after 3 days ( Mk 15,16).

Jesus Christ is the only son of God. He left his throne in heaven, came down to earth. He was incarnated by the Holy Spirit and became man. He preached in the temples, healed the sick, casted out demons and performed all kinds of miracles.

Jesus Christ loves us. He suffered for us. He was humiliated, crowned with thorns, spitted upon, smitten with a reed and buffeted. He did not give up, He endured till death at the cross. He was crucified for our sake. He died for me and you. He died to set us free.

He conquered death at the third day. He said "If the son of man set you free, you are free indeed" You are free from sickness, poverty, bareness, stagnancy, and every other plans of the devil. The devil cannot stand you. Who E epp? If you are for Jesus Christ who can be against you.

He said "come to me all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " (Mt 11:28). Drop all your problems at the feet of Jesus Christ, and they are no more. Jesus is compassionate and merciful. He dwells amongst us. He knows our tommorow from today. He is waiting for us with an open alms.

Surrender to Jesus Christ. Submit totally to him. Do not deny Him. He said if you deny me before men, I will deny you before my father. Give your life to Jesus Christ, accept him NOW!. Repent from your evil ways, for the kingdom of God is at hand.

Jesus Christ can't be explained to anyone. Give Jesus Christ a trial and be a testimony to His existence.


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