Endurance is the ability to carry on despite obstacles and hardship that comes your way. Endurance means to suffer patiently, to tolerate difficulties. Endurance is a big step to greatness. Endure the pains, frustrations, difficulties and so many more unpleasant situations and you will achieve your desired goal.
Endurance is no longer common in the world of today, everyone wants it the easy way. We give up more than we endure, which should not be so. Remember that difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations, for nothing good comes so easy, you have to endure it to the end. Keep pushing until you get there.
Endurance is patience concentrated. For what shall it profit a man to give up on something that cost him a lot of pain and sacrifice but gained nothing afterwards. Keep enduring, for the struggle you are in today develops the strength you need for tommorow. Life begins at the end of our comfort zones.
Endurance never fails. The harder the struggle, the glorious the triumph.
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